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Where Do Coffee Beans Come From?

Where Do Coffee Beans Come From?

Are you wondering where do beans come from? Coffee beans are the seeds of a cherry-like fruit called coffee cherries.

They grow on small trees in many places worldwide, including Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The two primary coffee plants producing commercial crops are Arabica and Robusta.

Most people often consider arabica beans of higher quality than Robusta because they have less caffeine and more flavor.

However, Robusta is easier to grow, so it’s popular for its low production costs. This article will discuss more coffee beans and where they come from.

The Discovery of Coffee Beans!

Most Coffee beans come from a shrub called Coffea Arabica, native to Africa. The coffee plant produces red and yellow flowers that grow in clusters on the branches.

There are two types of this plant: Robusta and Arabica. Robusta beans produce a more bitter taste than the sweeter-tasting Arabica beans.

Coffee was first discovered by an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi, who noticed his goats became very energetic after eating berries from a particular tree.

Upon further investigation, he found they had been eating from the coffee plants nearby!

About Coffee

People grow coffee in over 55 countries worldwide, and up to 20 million people depend on it for income.

Because there are so many variables in growing locales and processing techniques, not all coffees taste alike and vary in price and quality. The four main types of beans include Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica.

These coffee beans produce markedly different flavors despite coming from the same plant because the environment where they’re grown influences their flavor profiles.

For example, Jamaican Blue Mountain, one of the most expensive coffees globally, gets prized for its balance and sweet fruitiness.

Arabica Coffee Beans

They grow primarily Arabica Coffee Beans in Central America, where they’re exposed to misty mountain air that causes these beans to have a smooth flavor with hints of cocoa and wine.

People often use this variety in espresso blends where their low acidity gets hidden by milky flavors like vanilla or nutmeg.

They also go well in French press coffee, where their balanced taste is optimal for this brewing method.

Coffee grown at lower altitudes with more humidity brewed with soft water has more acidity than Arabica beans grown at higher altitudes, where drier weather makes tea-like flavors. That’s where Robusta beans come in.

Robusta Coffee Beans

People mostly find Robusta coffee beans in Africa and Brazil, cultivated in areas with lower altitudes and more humidity than Arabica beans.

We know this variety for its high caffeine content and earthy, nutty taste that can become bitter when brewed on its own.

However, when used as a component in blends, it can add body and depth to the flavor without making it too acidic.

coffee bean

Excelsa Coffee Beans

Excelsa coffee beans are a little-known variety of Arabica that grows at high elevations, similar to where Arabica thrives.

These beans have a floral aroma with hints of citrus and honey. They’re also relatively low in acidity, making them a good choice for those who want a mild cup of coffee.


Liberica Coffee Beans

Liberica Coffee Beans are the rarest type of bean and hail from Africa, often found in rainforests. They have a heavy body with earthy flavors and a slightly sweet aftertaste.

They’re also high in caffeine, making them a brilliant choice for those who want an energizing cup of coffee.

No matter where your beans come from, knowing their origin can help you appreciate their unique flavor profile and find the perfect roast for your taste buds.

So, the next time you buy coffee beans, ask where coffee beans come from and roast to get the most out of your morning cup!


Top 10 Countries Producing the Best Coffee Beans Worldwide

Coffee beans come from all over the world, but a few countries produce the best coffee beans. Most people know these countries for their high-quality beans and their coffee-drinking culture.

Here is a list of 8 countries that produce the best coffee beans in the world:

1. Italy

We know Italy for its high-quality espresso, and coffee beans are no exception. Most people know Italian coffee beans for their intense flavor and rich aroma.

If you’re looking to enjoy the best coffee, ask for one made from coffee beans grown in Italy.

2. Brazil

Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee, and it produces some of the best beans around. People know Brazilian coffee beans for their strong flavor and chocolatey notes.

3. Colombia

Colombian coffee beans get considered some of the best in the world. We know them for their smooth flavor and balanced acidity.

4. Guatemala

Guatemalan coffee beans get praised for their fruity and floral flavors, as well as their intense sweetness.

5. Kenya

Kenyan coffee beans have become popular for their bright and acidic flavor profile and their chocolatey undertones. If you’re looking for a natural coffee flavor, go no further than Kenyan coffee beans!

6. Ethiopia

Ethiopian coffee beans are popular for their notes of berries, citrus, and flowers. They also have a wine-like acidity that makes them unique.

7. Costa Rica

Most people prize Costa Rican coffee beans for their balance of sweetness and acidity. They make a great cup of coffee, no matter how you brew it.

8. Peru

Peruvian coffee beans have a unique taste that is strong and spicy, with a hint of chocolate. These beans are perfect for all coffee drinkers.

9. Honduras

Honduran coffee beans are often used to make light roasts because of their sweet, delicate flavor. They are perfect for those who prefer a milder cup of coffee.

10. Mexico

Mexico is another large producer of coffee beans globally, and their beans get known for being rich and earthy. Mexican coffees work well when used to brew dark roasts.


The best coffee beans in the world get grown and sourced from various locations. They have different tastes, strengths, smells, and textures.

You can find out more about this by reading our blog post on buying the correct type of coffee for you.

If you’re looking for an expert opinion on the best kind of coffee bean, we recommend you try one or two types before making your final decision. Happy brewing!

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